PTE Coaching Center in Gurgaon and Delhi

Basic English Language Course

Basic English Language Course

This is a basic English language course. It helps you to improve your functional grammar and basic English Speaking Skills. Various types of activities are conducted during the course module which gives an edge to your Spoken English. The complete module is designed in a manner such that even a layman can start speaking English once he completes our basic English language course with keen concentration and dedication.   


Basic and Functional Grammar Activities
 Tenses  Group Discussion
 Actions  Role Plays in Groups & One to One
 Story Telling  Tele Shopping
 Experience, Moment and Jokes Sharing  TV News Reading & Anchoring
 WH Formula and Comparative Study  News Paper Reading
 Modals  Channel Change Games
 Duties toward Society, Sharing of Emotions  Listening Skills Games
 Forms of Verbs  Presentation
 Alphabets and Vocabulary Games  Show Hosting
 Preposition  Stage Handling
 Short Forms  Public Speaking
 Spelling Study  Selling Skills
 Mannerly Things  Story Building Session
 RWS Formula  Pros & Cons
 Exclamations  Periodic Field Exposure
 Parts of Speech  Outdoor Presentation
 Sentence Structure  Audio Video Presentation
 How to Read Time  Extempore
 One Word Substitutions  One to One Conversation
 Basic Reading and Speaking  Management Games
 Formal and Informal Letter  Communication Skill Games
 Daily Usage Words and Sentences  Interactive Group Exercises
   Mentor Appointment
On successful completion of this program you will On successful completion of this program you will 
overcome hesitation to Initiate English Conversation.  Speak Fluent English.