We are playing Cricket Match on 22th Feb, 2023. Intrested candidates may register themselves by sending an email to 'info@eguroo.in' or send an SMS 'Intrested' to '9210457777'
We, at Eguroo, ensure 100% Assured Placement Assistance to all our Students. Our trainings are fully job-oriented.
After overwhelming responses and grand success in Corporate Hub, Gurgaon, Eguroo has now launched its new center at New Railway Road ,Gurugram
From a shy, very hesitant and quiet girl Ambika has evolved as a very strong speaker and an aggressive debater. Today she participated in a debate activity on the topic "should alchohol be banned". She was calm yet aggressive, gave some points of value to the discussion and handled the debate in a very matured manner.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia,